
Archive for March, 2007

Finally, An Update

Well, this little stinker is the reason I’ve fallen down on my blog, of which I’d only managed 8 posts on before he was born. And of course this post was interrupted as I typed it.

Then there was a problem with our internet for two weeks. So…I’m finally getting back to it.

I’ve been reading a lot lately, but updating all that right now would take way more time then I have at the moment. Let’s just say, some were good, some were bad, and a few were really good.

Having this little person in our house is an entirely different experience than what I thought it would be. I love him so much, all the time, even when he cries, or spits up, or does terrible things to his diaper. When he sleeps, I want him to wake up so I can hold him. When he’s awake, I want him to go to sleep so I can.

Every day, I think of all the things I want to teach him. I want him to grow quickly so I can share the world with him. But I want him to grow slowly, so I can keep him safe from it for longer, safe with me.

Most of me feels the same way I did before he was born or conceived. The world hasn’t changed dramatically, although my small part of it has. Being a parent doesn’t scare me, it makes me excited. He’s perfect and I love him, and I love my husband more than ever for helping to bring this amazing person into the world.

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