
Posts Tagged ‘Dallas’

For Dr. Seuss’s 105th Birthday, and coincidentally, the 1st birthday of the Dallas Children’s Museum, the museum hosted a big ol’ Party and Free Admission. We of course took complete advantage of this, making the 50 minute trip to Fair Park for the Occasion.

I have to say, it was pretty cool. We’d never been the Children’s Museum before, and it was well worth the trip. They had people set up in strategic locations doing readings of Dr. Seuss books, as well as craft tables all over. We got to stamp animal footprints and make a green paper crown. Water Boy loved, loved, loved the full-sized Tyrannosauraus skeleton they have on display in their dinasaur dig exhibit. He couldn’t stop looking up, up, up at it every time we went by. I did manage to keep him out of the sand box dig site, though. Whew!

We listened to two stories, one of which was possibly told by an escaped mental patient or someone on speed. The librarian who read Marvin K. Mooney was very wired and just a tad overenthusiastic (read: crazy). We also got to hear, and participate in a reading of Mr. Brown Can Moo. Water Boy’s favorite part, of course, was the water table exhibit. Even with a little blue smock on, he still managed to get his shirt and shoes all wet.

We ended up only staying for an hour and a half, but man, when we left it felt like we’d been trapped there ten hours. As it got later, more and more kids arrived, until all the hands-on exhibits were packed to the rafters with screaming, climbing, running, jumping, pushing, shoving children. Then we were glad to leave, even though we didn’t have time to see everything. On the way out, we picked up milk and cookies in the cafeteria area. Mmm…yum. They had the little milk cartons like in elementary school, and Stillmog and I were almost fighting over who got to drink it. In the end, we split it. Ah, love.

I definitely want to go back some day when we have more time to explore and it isn’t a Free Admission! day.

I am so glad we’re finally getting out and doing things. I don’t know why I haven’t done any of this before.

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